Tuesday 30 September 2014

The Third dive into the Digital World

Future of the Internet

• A description of 3 devices you think will become obsolete, including a

My List for the Top 3 things that will and must die in the future of technology.

1. The darn fax machine.

As our paperless society draws closer and close to eliminating the need to cut down trees. ( I kind of like trees and oxygen and that whole breathing thing in fact, very attached to the notion at least) But still when we go into the office buildings around the country there it is the big, bulky always jamming, never enough paper, always out of ink scanner printer and fax machine.
Oh I'll work but first go slay the dragon on the fourth floor

A fax is for those too young is like taking a picture of a document and when it arrives at its sent destination is printed. how bazaar is that, in the age of computers and digital signature and emails we still feel the need to use the more ancient of devices to send data.
Inside of a fax machine looks like ancient Greece
2. The wrist watch and phone watches are classic but not practical

a.Hey buddy what time is it?
b. Time to get a watch!
a. Wait i still have my phone on me because I never put it down!

The watch is kind of a novelty and always good to have one encase you forget the phone at home but who can really afford to leave their phone anywhere. I remember in my youth being very much apposed to the idea of having a phone as then anyone could get a hold of me. mostly my parents checking up to see if i was dead or not you, you know the really bothersome calls.
Nope Mom i'm not dead! .. Yes I'm sure
A watch back then even seemed pretty useless as it only did one thing unless you were the cool kid with a calculator watch. Those watches could then two boring jobs math and tell me when I had to be home so my parents don't think i'm dead.
Back in the day this is what we used to pass the time.

All bad puns aside the wrist watch is already dead even if apple tries to make a very pretty one that can read my heart beat, which is just kinda creepy when you think of the N.S.A. literally listening to your heart. Plus pocket watches are where it is at.

3. Stand alone mp3 players.
I still have one of these somewhere 

as with walk-mans and disc mans before them Dedicated mp3 devices may have their days numbered. I Pointed out above that everyone carries a cellphone and most have a headphone Jack built into them so why not put some music on that? better question if i can put music on it why do i need a separate device to play music at all.

I doesn't make sense to carry duplicates well people still use them? i have no doubt just as i have heard people swear that music only sounds good from vinyl and that came back in a big way in resent years. Also with the release of Guardians of the Galaxy mix tapes have come back into style but just because it popular doesn't mean the darn things aren't obsolete.

• what the Internet will look like 10 years from now?
Imp3ncluding an explanation on why you think it will develop this way

I have a dream of where the internet can go from here. there are two paths one looks much the same as today a reasonable free market of ideas and information floating around for people from all over the world to experience and grow with. The other path is a dark one, It is not so far fetched to believe if Internet service providers ISPs begin to charge both the customer and producers of content that the internet landscape will be change drastically.

Website owner who can afford the ransom to be put on the "fast lane" networks? the ISPs just simply have to say "we are stopping you from running your site, we aren't removing it from the internet but you will only be able to be accessed through "normal lane". that normal lane is much slower then the speeds we have now, ISPs were trying to argue that 4 mb/s was fast enough for everyone but what about streaming sites that need to buffer. what about downloading larger files suddenly we are back to the age of dial-up.

So the ISPs are directly harming us by their actions but the side effect is slower speeds unless you pay them. As for that website owner, less traffic comes to the site because people have troubles loading it so they just move onto a site that could page. Soon all the smaller sites whom traffic has been eccentrically diverted goes offline because there isn't enough ad revenue going through. The big websites that spent the money survived and even thrived as they are offering the superior product now, but before where criticize could had been easily made now the website fears to post any negative comments against the ISP because they don't want to end up in the slow lane.

The same could happen to consumers who complain about the ISPs well that voice is easy to silence if they don't have a wide such a wide audience to speak too. So this is my fear that Big business will be blinded by pure profits and greed and acidently kill that which made the internet special to all of us, the freedom of choice.

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