Tuesday 30 September 2014

The Second dive into the digital World

TWITTER is for twits
(I know nothing that has already been said)

For this dive into the world of blogging I dove into the best of the world of micro blogging to see how much value I could pull out of Twitter.com.

Q: What you learned about Twitter, and your opinion of it.

Twitter is blogging for the now. Information constantly pouring in from all over the world into one place. I could tell you that twitter was founded by Jack DorseyNoah GlassBiz Stoneand Evan Williams in San Francisco in 2006 and that the company only has 3300 employees working for them with a reported $664 million dollar profit in 2013 but also reportedly drink 585 gallons of coffee per week. As well being the parent company of Vine a video website in which all the videos are only 7 seconds long, it is kind of awe inspiring to see what people can do in 7 seconds. https://vine.co/
as you may be able to tell I'm more of a fan of visual storytelling and sound bits as most of my day is taken up by writing essays and apparently blogs now...along with group projects and the like so to be able to grab a bit size of entertainment is exactly what I am looking for. so I would say in general i like twitter but there is always a dark side.

o A brief discussion of some of the more common features of Twitter, e.g. how does a hashtag works.

So the actual Hash tag system i think is rather easy to describe. A system in which liked posts can be easily grouped together by a keep word or words. the genuine of the hash tag is that is can be any words or combinations as long as it starts with one of these babies "#" by adding one and adding a word all other post with the same tag are easier to find. It also can give extra meaning to the post as Twitter has a limited word counter to avoid lengthy post the Hash tag can help such as EXAMPLE .

o Advantages/disadvantages of Twitter compared to blogging.


-Short and to the point blogging
-easy tagging system
-easy to user interface (finding new content is fast and enjoyable with a simple design)

-Hard to make a name because the large membership
- Restricted to only 140 characters. hard to convey complex ideas. 
- Little to no over site on content so very nasty tweets or misinformation spread.


-Allows for longer posts where twitter is limited to 140 characters, blogger is unlimited!
-Allows for greater degree of freedom of design and templates and total customizable 
-It's Free! And is attached to your google account because you can’t make one without it
-Also lacks over site and blogs of varying degrees of evil and nasty. 

-finding new blogs is a special kind of pain, there is a next blog button but it was impossible to know what the blog was next.

-layout system is a joke. Difficult to navigate and edit. the system isn’t friendly to new users and thus creates a blog that Twitter simply doesn't have.

140 characters no more, the greatest disadvantage is also the greatest thing about twitter. The limited characters focuses a person’s writing to try and convey the point as simply as possible.  Where blogger seems to go on forever with really long posts about seamlessly nothing and never getting to the point. Perhaps it is my background in business but I prefer the straight forward approach.

o Include an example of misinformation that was spread using Twitter within the last six months.

After the release of the iPhone 6 an image was circulated around the net and on twitter that the new iPhone could be charged using the microwave. Some clever Photoshop to make it look like an official Apple product and enough people endorsing it there is bound to be one or two people try it out because I read it on the internet it must be true logic.

I can't imagine the result being pretty but this shows the power the internet has over most people and this should be a red flag for anyone who is diving into the Net for knowledge.

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