Tuesday 30 September 2014

The First dive into the Digital World

The evaluation of Blogger (usability, usefulness, etc.).

This is a first impression on Blogger as I never have done anything remotely like this format before.
Closest thing to a "blog" as I have come before is Tumblr.com with the use of very quick sharing of information that is liked but fame on Tumblr is very fast and random. In the moment this is very kind of posts but often substance is put aside over style. So i would put Blogger higher on the usefulness scale as an individual blog does not normally cycle through as much content as Tumblr but in an age of sound bites and headline scanners Tumblr is the more attractive model of cheap fast blogging.

I have found blogger rather difficult to use as the system is not intuitive at all as in the template section should have allowed for me to alter the colours of the sections i was directly interacting with instead of forcing me to navigate through another menu and try and find what each section is called to edit the colour scheme.

Identify and discuss the online blogs you examined and their usefulness. Surf the WWW and find at least 3 blogs with subjects that are interesting to you One of the topics you blog about has to be current financial affairs.

The Three Blogs I looked at to get a sense of the blogging world are;

Wollay is a video game developer who successfully Kickstarted a game called Cube world. I choose this blog because I was one of the Kickstarter supporter and he used this blog to give weekly updates on the game to keep all those who back him up to date so we could follow his progress and crowd source solutions to problems with relative ease but by design the blog didn't update every day.

Positives: lots of information for the targeted audience.
Negative: long periods without updates.

Although not blogging in the classic sense of writing and posting pictures the Ning was a site founded by the Vlog brothers, John and Hank Green.

 The Vlog brothers have made a name for themselves on the internet, Thousands of people follow the lives of these two brothers on opposite cost having a conversation in their words to decrease world suck. Through years of growing a cult following these two brothers have donated Hundreds of thousands of dollars towards charity and projects to make life on this planet a little better for everyone. And it all start with DFTBA or "Don't Forget To Be Awesome"

Positive: Large, diverse conversations and lots of community involvement.

Negative: hard to find relevant financial Analysis

As far as financial blogs go it is slim pickings for un-bias of subjectively "good" blogs as everyone is coming from their own personal opinion on economic theory and how financial systems should possibly operate so an analysis is supposed to go off the only thing that is possibly relevant the data. The issue is that there is many ways of interrupting the data from historical and sociological perspectives. The experts in the field of economics don't have a clue because the economic models of how business works haven't been updated since the 50's and John Nash's game theory. So as you may gather I don't hold financial Blogs in the highest regards.

Well organized and intuitive design for a financial blog.

It’s a financial blog, not very exciting or interesting in comparison to other blogs on the Net.

Q: Discuss the place blogging holds in today’s availability of information,
and its advantages/disadvantages over more traditional formats such as newspaper and magazine.

Blogging is the future. We have seen repeatedly new papers and magazine sales decline as companies are embracing online marketing. At the same time the internet is a place where everyone has a voice and too often is the case with spur of the moment writing and publishing, a lot of half-assed poorly worded opinion comes out and it is ugly. With traditional media there are editors and multiple people writing on a wide variety of topics in a single issue. while the online is a single source often mislead into believing a truth. Print medias ability to be held to a certain standard while log for more frequent updating.

Print media

- More control over content. Real research must go into some articles.

- Larger budget investigations, research takes time and money and many bloggers have the type to blog but don’t have the money to do it as a day job.

-Overall presentation is designed to catch a person’s eye

- slow on distribution. Long gone are the days of walking down to a newspaper stand to buy the paper.

- Slow to react. Digital media is instant, grabbing news from twitter is simply more up to date but sometimes less reliable

-Wastes natural resources to make. Not only the paper and ink to print but also the trucks that have to move newspapers and in the end a paper is thrown out and takes energy to recycle it back again.

Q: Also include a brief discussion of where you see blogging going in the
next 5-10 years.

Blogging isn't the end all be all as in the video game crash of the 80's too many items of poor quality flooding the market caused the overall value to decrease. As to I believe is the way of the Blogger sphere, this isn't to say there is no good blogs out there that are informative or interesting but I don't believe in its current form it can survive. This does not pertains to classic word blogs but also the video blogging or Vlogging as the cool kids say. Over saturation of the market is bad for business and the only ones that can survive will be the ones that can differentiate themselves from the herd.

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